An Ontology-driven Treatment Article Retrieval Systemfor Precision Oncology

Published in CoRR, 2025

Zheng Chen, Sadid A. Hasan, Joey Liu, Vivek Datla, Md Shamsuzzaman, Hafiz Khan, Mohammad S Sorower, Gabe Mankovich, Rob van Ommering, Nevenka Dimitrova. Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA, USA. CoRR-2020, February-2020

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This paper presents an ontology-driven treat-ment article retrieval system developed andexperimented using the data and groundtruths provided by the TREC 2017 precisionmedicine track. The key aspects of our sys-tem include: meaningful integration of vari-ous disease, gene, and drug name ontologies,training of a novel perceptron model for articlerelevance labeling, a ranking module that con-siders additional factors such as journal im-pact and article publication year, and compre-hensive query matching rules. Experimentalresults demonstrate that our proposed systemconsiderably outperforms the results of thebest participating system of the TREC 2017precision medicine challenge.