SenseBox: A Low-Cost Smart Home System
Published in PerCom, 2025
Joseph Taylor, H M Sajjad Hossain, Mohammad Arif Ul Alam, Md Abdullah Al Hafiz Khan, Nirmalya Roy, Elizabeth Galik, and Aryya Gangopadhyay. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Demonstrations (PerCom), March 2017. Kona, Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
Smart home technologies are getting acclaimed for providing a wide variety of functionalities- security, appliance control, HVAC control and remote monitoring. Installation cost and interoperability issues have restricted the adaptability of these technologies. In this demo paper, we demonstrate the design of an interoperable prototype of our smart home system, SenseBox using low-cost embedded device as part of an NSF I-Corps project. We integrated an off-the-shelf commercially available inexpensive ($12) hardware (PogoPlug). We paired commercially available PIR sensors, door sensors and moisture sensors with our smart home system prototype to monitor human activities. We deployed our prototype and collected real-time activity data traces from a retirement community center. We articulated the SenseBox development, integration and testing challenges and insights along with real deployment experience.